Welcome from the Headteacher

Our vision is for our young people to grow and achieve beyond all expectations

We believe all young people have the right to a safe place to live and learn, where they are listened to, cared for and understood. By putting the young person at the centre, we give them the space to be themselves, nurture their hopes and aspirations, challenge perceptions and represent them fairly. We speak using their language and build trust through relationships and compassion, not institutions. We support repair and to heal the traumas our young people have experienced, so that they can live the full, rich lives they deserve. 

Our project starts with a shared responsibility. No young person who we care for is simply a person in care, a patient, or a pupil. They are the young people of Somerset. All agencies work together in an integrated way, working around traditional barriers and division to provide resilient care, coherent plans, and focussed education.

This innovative united approach to working together, gives us the best possible opportunity to learn from the past and look to the future. We have been able to offer a new model of sustainable education and care, for some of Somerset’s young people, who are in need of the greatest additional support.

In our therapeutic educational provision, teaching staff and NHS staff become one community in one building. Our young people do not need to experience the exclusion and lack of structure they have often become used to. However, our aim is always to reintegrate back into appropriate education in their community. Our therapeutic educational provision provides multi-disciplinary assessment, an aspirational curriculum, meaningful activities and effective psychological therapies. We can provide the love of learning our young people need, so that they can live the lives they choose. 

Emma Grosvenor

Emma Grosvenor

‘Therapeutic Education as a principal is something that speaks to me as a practitioner and a person. The horizons project teaches young people that they can thrive not just survive, that things can be different and that they are truly cared for. Having worked in safeguarding for over ten years it has been apparent to me that we must understand and work with the whole network around a young person in order for them to feel truly held, this is something that has been achievable with our Therapeutic Education network.’

Chris Clinch

Chris Clinch

“Our motivation is helping children grow and develop into the best version of themselves. We therefore need to focus on their story and what has happened to them, but also their potential and what they can become”